Learn more about pioneered by Doctor Huggins dental toxicity and the protocols .also, ,liposome-encapsulated form of vitamin C for oral supplementation. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility
http://shslab.com/helpful-links-information.htmlMonday, September 30, 2013
Biocomp Labs -- Dental Toxicity -- Free downloads
Below are downloads for your your own that would provide additional information. Adobe PDF file format. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
http://shslab.com/downloads.htmlSunday, September 29, 2013
Biocomp Laboratories Inc. Contact Us
Contact Biocomp Labs with questions about biocompatibility testing and procedures and pricing. Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
http://shslab.com/contact.htmlSaturday, September 28, 2013
Biocomp - Find A Practitioner
Knowledge is power. Whether you are looking for information to enhance your health or searching for the answer to reverse a terminal illness Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, Agents, Alloys #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials
http://shslab.com/find-practitioner.htmlFriday, September 27, 2013
IADBM ANNUAL MEETING -- October 11-13, 2013 Hilton Houston North
8:00-8:30 Opening comments by current IABDM president Blanche Grube, DMD, passing the baton to Joan Sefcik, DDS" #IABDM #ANNUAL #MEETING #houston #texas #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #vendors #iabdm #biological #meeting #medicine #vendor #about #disease #events #october
http://iabdm.org/events/annual-meetingADA's Amalgam Power Collapsing | Mercury-Free Dentistry Week
ADA's stronghold over amalgam is finally crumbling -- a major reason to celebrate Mercury-Free Dentistry Week. #amalgam #dental #articles #drblanchedgrube #holistidentist #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/09/17/mercury-free-dentistry-week.aspxThursday, September 26, 2013
Frequently Asked Questions - BioComp
A list of frequently asked questions. Biocompatibility, Testing, Dental, Toxicity,Bonding, Agents, Alloys #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
http://shslab.com/frequently-asked-questions.htmlBiocomp Laboratories Inc -- Avoid dental toxicity
Avoid dental toxicity by using as many least reactive materials as possible. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies #biocomp #medical #material
http://shslab.com/about.htmlFacebook - NEED for GMO labeling.
We believe you have the right to know what’s in your #food. So from now through September 30th, we are donating a portion of all sales at Mercola.com (up to $50,000) to Washington’s GMO labeling bill, I-522. Proceeds will be used to help win this key #GMO labeling initiative and continue to increase awareness of the need for GMO labeling. Discover more at www.yeson522.com
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151895492550590&set=a.10151894716025590.1073741828.114205065589&type=1&theaterPetition | Dentsply: Stop Making Mercury Dental Fillings | Change.org
Dental amalgam – a filling material for cavities commonly marketed as “silver” fillings – is about 50% mercury, a neurotoxin. Dentsply is a leading...#grubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #halhugginsprotocol #biocomp
http://www.change.org/petitions/dentsply-stop-making-mercury-dental-fillings?share_id=uduPgAMlST&utm_campaign=friend_inviter_chat&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition&utm_term=permissions_dialog_falseWednesday, September 25, 2013
videos, holistic dentistry, biological dentistry,amalgam removal
Videos of Dr. Blanche D. Grube and informative videos on Holistic Dentistry
http://www.drblanchegrube.com/videos.htmlReview of 25 studies and the effects of removing mercury amalgam silver fillings on health
This paper, written by Mats Hanson, examines studies from leading research institutes around the world. His research reveals that there has been a documented trend in positive health changes after removal of amalgam fillings since as far back as 1986 (at least!) #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry #biocomp #futureofdentistry
http://www.mercuryexposure.info/science/health-improvements-after-removal/item/981-effects-of-removing-mercury-amalgam-silver-fillings-on-healthA unique selection of books written by Medical Practitioners. All books below are available for purchase online. Call if you have any questions.
Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care Written by: Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D., Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S., M.S. PLUS MANY MORE!! #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry #biocomp
http://shslab.com/order-books.htmlTuesday, September 24, 2013
▶ Mercury: The Poison in Your Teeth by Tom McGuire, DDS - YouTube
Mercury is a powerful poison and if you have amalgam (silver) fillings you are being poisoned by them every day. #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree #holisticdentistry #biocomp #futureofdentistry #testimonials
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp8Rg8hNGwAMonday, September 23, 2013
Huggins Protocol, an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery.
Dr. Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS, is the world's most controversial dentist because of his stand on trying to convince dentistry to stop the use of mercury in fillings. He has been in practice since 1962, fifty years. - See more at: http://www.drblanchegrube.com/huggins-protocol.html#sthash.LRc8ByvU.dpuf #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic
http://www.drblanchegrube.com/huggins-protocol.html"The Scientific World Journal Volume 2013 (2013)Margaret E. SearsChildren's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are ubiquitous, have no beneficial role in human homeostasis, and contribute to noncommunicable chronic diseases. While novel drug targets for chronic disease are eagerly sought, potentially helpful agents that aid in detoxification of toxic elements, chelators, have largely been restricted to overt acute poisoning. Ch
"The Scientific World Journal Volume 2013 (2013) Margaret E. Sears The Scientific World Journal Volume 2013 (2013) Margaret E. Sears Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute Toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are ubiquitous, have no beneficial role in human homeostasis, and contribute to noncommunicable chronic diseases. While novel drug targets for chronic disease are eagerly sought, potentially helpful agents that aid in detoxification of toxic elements, chelators, have largely been restricted to overt acute poisoning. Chelation, that is multiple coordination bonds between organic molecules and metals, is very common in the body and at the heart of enzymes with a metal cofactor such as copper or zinc. Peptides glutathione and metallothionein chelate both essential and toxic elements as they are sequestered, transported, and excreted. Enhancing natural chelation detoxification pathways, as well as use of pharmaceutical chelators a