Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Candy: How Much Is Too Much?

Halloween Candy: How Much Is Too Much?

Reposted From
ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2012) — As we enter the sweet season, parents are worried kids might indulge their way to obesity by gobbling up too many Halloween candy. But having a little fun with candy once a year will not lead to childhood obesity, says Ken Haller, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University.

Halloween is a social time and kids want to be a part of their peer group by enjoying the perks of the holiday season. Haller says it's OK for parents to allow their kids to be part of this holiday spirit.
"Eating candy on Halloween is like taking a vacation, kids should not make it a habit," said Haller. "After the holiday they should feel like they have had enough candy and be willing to go back to their regular diet."
Haller says a parent should be in charge of deciding how many candy kids can have during Halloween. While eating candy are an important part of the culture and socialization during this holiday, parents also do not want their kids to end up in hospital emergency rooms with tummy aches.
An important lesson to teach kids this holiday season, Haller says, is eating in moderation. When kids come back from their grand trick or treating rounds, parents can go through their load of candy, portion them out, save some for the week, while freezing the rest for later. Parents should also feel free to knock out the ones that are very high in calories, especially ones with high fructose corn syrup content.
"Parents can have a discussion about this. Kids don't have to eat everything that comes back with them," Haller said. "None of these candy are wildly unhealthy or poisonous, they are just not nutritious."
If parents don't want their kids to eat all the candy at once, they can playfully communicate the message to them and avoid being strict about it. Kids want to know parents are on their side and are more likely to listen to them if they are positive about it.
"If parents are pleasant, upbeat and enthusiastic about how much candy their kids can have, kids might accept what they are advocating," Haller said.
Another way to minimize the amount of sweets kids eat is for parents to introduce them to the concept of sharing.
"Halloween candy can be used to teach kids an important ethical lesson -- we need to share with the ones who don't have what we do," Haller said. "This practice of sharing can be an introduction to Thanksgiving and then Christmas."
Lastly, it never hurts to remind kids about healthy dental habits. Haller says Halloween can be a good time to reinforce in kids a daily habit of brushing their teeth.
"Halloween is a great time for parents to buy their kids a brand new toothbrush," he said.

Holistic Dentistry, Biological Dentistry
1000 Newbury Rd.; Ste. 225
Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks, Ca), CA 91320

Monday, October 22, 2012

Are your TEETH making you SICK?

Are your TEETH making you SICK?  Centers For Healing, Holistic Dentistry, Newbury Park, California, Thousand Oaks, California

scientific evidence suggests that poor dental health may be linked to cardiovascular disease

Are your TEETH making you SICK?  

Some scientific evidence suggests that poor dental health may be linked to cardiovascular disease

Centers for Healing is on Facebook LIKE US! Its Good for YOUR Health
Holistic Dentists at Centers for Healing agree that brushing your teeth every day keeps them cleaner, improves your breath, and reduces plaque buildup.  

Centers for Healing is on Facebook, LIKE US!..It's Good for your Health 

Did you know?

There may be a connection between your dental health and chronic illness? Some scientific evidence suggests that poor dental health may be linked to cardiovascular disease. Although more research is needed to explore this association, it provides yet another reason Centers for Healing recommends brusing your teeth twice per day, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly.
Over 2,400 people die from cardiovascular disease each day, making it an immense public health problem. Cardiovascular disease occurs when arteries become harder, making it more difficult for blood to easily pass through your circulatory system. Plaques also build up in your blood vessels, further restricting blood flow. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, affects nearly 75% of the U.S. population, according to the American Academy of Periodontology

Dr. David Villarreal of Centers for Healing in Newbury Park, California  routinely stresses to his patients the seriousness of Periodontal Disease, which is a chronic inflammatory condition that can cause:

  • bone and gum tissue to deteriorate
  • bad breath
  • swollen or bleeding gums
  • sensitive teeth
  • loose teeth.

What's the connection between Peridontal and Cardiovascular Disease?

If periodontal disease affects your teeth and cardiovascular disease affects your heart, what’s the connection between the two? Scientists have known for years that the two conditions share several risk factors. Increasing age, cigarette smoking, and type 2 diabetes increase your risk of developing both periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. None of these risk factors, however, explain the causal mechanism connecting the two conditions.

According to a 2009 review article by the editors of the American Journal of Cardiology and the Journal of Periodontology, one of two possible explanations/
hypothesis is:

  1. Inflammation. Moderate to severe periodontal disease triggers chronic systemic inflammation, affecting not only your mouth but also your circulatory system, leading to cardiovascular disease. 
  2. Bacteria from your mouth can cause heart disease. People with periodontal disease have billions of bacteria and other microorganisms teeming in their mouths. Chewing food and brushing your teeth release these bacteria into the bloodstream. The Harvard Heart Letter reports that the types of bacteria that cause periodontitis have been associated with plaque buildup in your arteries.

Not all scientific findings have shown a relationship between the two conditions. In April 2012, the American Heart Association published a scientific statement in the journal Circulation denying that gum disease causes heart attacks or stroke. The American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs and the World Heart Federation also endorsed the statement, agreeing that there is no conclusive evidence that the conditions are related. More scientific research needs to be performed to determine the exact relationship between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease.
Although the scientific evidence has been mixed, Centers for Healing agrees that periodontal disease can be very harmful to your health even if it does not lead to cardiovascular disease. It is important to reduce your risk of gum disease by careful tooth brushing, frequent flossing, and regular trips to the dentist.

Holistic Dentistry, Biological Dentistry
1000 Newbury Rd.; Ste. 225
Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks, Ca), CA 91320

Friday, October 19, 2012

Harvard study: Fluoridated water lowers children's IQ


Elliott Freeman

Digital Journalist based in San Diego, CA, United States. Joined on Apr 9, 2012

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Researchers at Harvard University recently published the results of a long-term analysis that links fluoridated water to lower IQ scores in children.
The alarming findings were released in Environmental Health Perspectives, a publication of the National Institutes of Health.
Professor Philippe Grandjean and research scientist Anna L. Choi of Harvard University partnered with medical researchers Guifan Sun and Ying Zhang of China Medical University to conduct the study, which was performed using internal university funds.
The researchers examined data on water fluoridation levels from a variety of medical databases and compared them to IQ scores of children who lived in the associated neighborhoods. One area of focus was data from rural parts of China which have not been publicized so far. In total, 27 separate studies were examined.
"Children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low fluoride areas," the researchers concluded. "The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects brain development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults."
Digital Journal contacted the authors of the study for further insight into the report and its implications.
"We knew from the National Research Council review that there were studies that suggested neurotoxicity, but we were a bit surprised that 26 of 27 studies showed poorer performance of children with increased fluoride exposure," Grandjean stated in an email response. "This suggests that we need documentation to determine the dose-response relationship."
While the report acknowledges that the observed decrease in IQ may be relatively small, there is still plenty of cause for concern. "The fluoride ion is very small, so it likely passes the placenta quite easily," Grandjean explained, indicating that fluoride can be transferred from a pregnant mother to her fetus. Thus, the continued usage of fluoridated water from generation to generation may have a greater cumulative effect on human intelligence than any single study could measure.
Will more studies be performed? "Yes, it would be a good idea to carry out research in this field, and China seems well suited for this purpose," Grandjean said.
The report is only the latest university-funded analysis to point out the neurological dangers of fluoridated water.
fluoride study released in 2008 by the Nanjing University School of Medicine found "a consistent and strong association between the exposure to fluoride [in water] and low IQ".
In addition, a report published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials by university and government researchers indicated that even fluoride levels that are below the EPA limit can have negative effects on IQ and neurological health.
Experts like Dr. Hardy Limeback, the Head of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto, have also warned parents against giving children fluoridated toothpaste or water.
Meanwhile, the city council of Portland, Oregon, just voted unanimously in favor of fluoridating the municipal water supply, even though residents voted down three similar ballot measures in the past, according to the Oregonian. It appears that documented health concerns and public opposition will not stop some legislatures from deciding what compounds should be added to the water.

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Centers for Healing encourages you to check out some of our past posts to find pointers on keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Lastly, has it been six months since your last visit? If the answer is yes, we encourage you to give us a call to set up an appointment!

1000 Newbury Rd.; Ste. 225
Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks, Ca), CA 91320

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OCTOBER is National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month -

Did you know that October is National Dental Hygiene Month? 

For our staff, that means 2 IMPORTANT THINGS:

  1. Reminding you that your teeth are an important part of your body
  2. Keeping them clean helps keep your mouth and your body healthy! 
By taking care of your teeth, eating a balanced diet and visiting our office on a regular basis, you can have healthy teeth and an attractive smile throughout your entire life

Centers for Healing encourages you to check out some of our past posts to find pointers on keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Lastly, has it been six months since your last visit? If the answer is yes, we encourage you to give us a call to set up an appointment!

Dr. Blanche D. Grube & Dr. David Villarreal

1000 Newbury Rd.; Ste. 225
Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks, Ca), CA 91320